Thursday, June 30, 2011

Here's to New Beginnings!

I have decided to jump. I am going for my long-time dream of becoming a professional child portrait photographer. I have been drummin' up ideas for this since 2007, when my son was just 2 months old and his older sister was just 13 months older than that. I knew I wanted to do it, but I didn't know when I could do it.

I was also in college studying social science at Portland State University. Why was I studying that when I already knew I wanted to be a photographer? Well, I was three years into my studies when the notion of photography as career hit me. I wasn't about to abandon all of my previous efforts and begin a new educational pursuit. I knew I could begin my business without any formal photographic training, although I've got a handful of college courses under my belt, all I really needed were my photog skills, hard work and my drive to succeed. I wanted my bachelors so bad, I needed it for myself, for my sense of accomplishment and pride. So, I finished it!

Moving on...

Time keeps passing by and (like the ones before us always warned) it's going faster as I get older. Days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years. Not slowing down, but rather speeding up. I now have three kids at home (ages 2, 4 & 5) I homeschool, I run the house, I run kids to activities, I am busy, busy and I am concluding from years of observation: it ain't gonna get any easier! 

The time is now

I can't even relate to ya'll how excited I am about this. I get butterflies (seriously!) I have been up 'til past midnight for the last week working on MY NEW BLOG, I have pulled out all of my old files filled with magazine clippings, brand schemes, vendor lists, prop wishlist, etc. that I have been saving for years. Time to revamp my ideas and turn them into my reality. 

The sad news is I cannot continue to update this blog. I know right? After a mere two months to the day!! I am not giving up my Etsy shop, although there will likely be less photography and more vintage cameras and photography related gear. I am already SO busy working on my new business venture (things will only grow busier from here! Yay!) I simply cannot provide this blog the attention it deserves.

Please visit my new blog if you'd like and wish me luck! Say a prayer or two! Send me good vibes! I am so stoked about this, nothing can bring me down, but I could always use some pick-me-up :)

You might also enjoy checking out my website, especially if you're in Oregon and need an artistic portrait session for your lovely children ;)

Keep in touch on facebook & twitter!!

So long!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Road Trip! Portland to Joseph Part I + Chili Dogs

"Don't make fun of how much I packed," I blurted out to my best friend before she could make fun of how much I packed. "I never know what I'm gonna wanna wear, you know?"

"Yeah, plus you could spill something on yourself. Like a chili dog," She thoughtfully responded.

The fun poking turned from me to Tom Petty and I got an incredible craving for a tasty freeze.


My friend, Amanda, whom I lovingly refer to as "Noozle" invited me on a road trip to Joseph, OR for the Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts. I loved the idea, but thought there's no way, no way I'll be able to get away for an entire weekend, I have a hard enough time finding a chance to shower! I ran it past my husband when lo and behold! Everything just fell squarely into place and I was able to temporarily drop life as a stay-at-home mom and take up life as a wandering nomad in the blink of an eye.

We left at 4:15 am. I don't remember the last time I was up and at 'em that early, but I loved it and really hope to do it more often. The light was phenomenal.

The Gorge was "Gorge"ous, haha ;)

I absolutely LOVED the sunrise. I see the sunset everyday, but the sunrise is different and amazing.

That's me, just keepin' it real.

Wind turbines throughout the east end of the Columbia Gorge. Some people think they're ugly, I am a bit fond of 'em myself. They're giant energy-producing fans and I love me a big fan, especially when I'm sleeping.

It was so quiet outside of the city. With the exception of the cars on I-84 all you could hear was birds and a few crickets.

It was about this time the coffee caught up to us and we needed to use the restroom. There wasn't going to be a restroom for many, many miles, so we used the side of the road. What? Like you've never done that.

The weather was perfect, which was good because the forecast suggested that side of Oregon may accumulate an inch or two of snow. The weatherman was wrong. What's new?

Agriculture shots were everywhere.

The rolling hills reminded me of Beetlejuice, you know when he is tiny and in that train set land? Those green rolling hills. Creepy.

This is from a lookout point just off the highway. You can see for days.

Haha, that's Nooze. She's gonna kill me for posting her best Captain Morgan's pose.

Yep, me again.

From inside the gazebo.

From outside the gazebo.

This was trash lying on the side of the grass. I couldn't help but set it up for a refreshing shot. Then I threw it back in the grass. Haha, I'm just kidding! Sheesh...

At this point we needed gas. We were running low and the gas light came on. We were hoping there would be light at the end of the tunnel.

We pulled over to consult with the GPS lady who assured us there was a gas station in Starkey. We're skeptical, but convinced this little machine knows its stuff.

So, we headed toward Starkey.

The roads and surroundings were getting more and more rural-country like and less and less gas-station-ahead like. Fearful that turning around would only set us back and we were about halfway down the 12 mile detour to Starkey. We pressed on.

Every mile was another victory and every minute was nerve wracking. At least if we ran out of gas on the freeway, somebody would see us, maybe even help us. Out here all we were likely to find was hungry mountain lions. We pressed on.

YES! We shouted cheers of joy and victory from the front seat when we do, in fact, find Starkey Store and they have a gas pump. "Just a quick stop 'n fill and we'll be on our way. It's only 9:00 am and were making great time!" I cheerfully noted.

Only to find this mocking us. 

"We're doomed!" I dramatically and sorrowfully declare. 
"We're doomed," agrees the Noozle in a rather defeated tone.

Will we find a way out of this mess or will we be eaten by mountain lions?

To be continued...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Through Their Eyes + the Toilet

I love pouring through my kids photos. I don't mean pictures of them I mean pictures by them. You see, two Christmases ago we got our two and three year olds (at the time) digital cameras. Now, don't get me wrong, just because I'm a photographer doesn't mean any of my kids have to be, but that doesn't mean I can't expose them to the craft and see where it takes 'em. I initially thought it would be cute to have little photogs runnin' around, it would help foster creativity and individuality, they could take pictures of things they couldn't keep but wanted to remember forever, etc. I never thought their photos would impact me the way they do. I love looking through their eyes, seeing what they see and really gaining a solid understanding of what is important to them at any given time.

These shots are from my sons latest uploads. They are all straight out of camera, no editing in photoshop.

The ceiling light in his bedroom.

A box 'o stamps.

A doodle from his big sister.

His big sister.

His little sister and "Alfie."

The baking aisle at the market.

Through the rain. 

The toilet. There are about 22 toilet shots in his file. No words.

Happy Monday!

Friday, June 17, 2011


I am so distracted. Obviously there is a lot going on in my life; I have three kids, I am married, I maintain a household, I homeschool, on and on. But there are things I want to do, I need to do. One of those things is maintain this blog. One post a week isn't going to suffice. I want to get to the point where I blog everyday, but right now I need a smaller goal, a stepping stone if you will, to get there.

Blog goal #1: Blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Something else I need to do sufficiently is add photos to my Etsy shop. I do this on a regular basis, but I'm missing a system, a workflow so I want to bump it up a bit.

Etsy shop goal #1: Add at least one photo everyday and preferably two-three.

I will not sacrifice quality for quantity so if somedays all I have is one great photo, then all I'll add is one great photo. No fluff, just the good stuff.

Extra things I enjoy doing, but shouldn't be my focus (or steal my precious time!) is facebook and twitter, even for business. Seriously, don't you just get lost there sometimes? I find myself clickin' through link after link and before I know it, my dedicated computer time (aka: nap time for the kids) is over and I haven't really accomplished anything.

In order to be successful there are really only two basic foundations: 1. passion (got it) and 2. dedication (workin' on it). I can have all the passion in the world for my photography and art, but if I lack dedication to the cause, I will fail and failure is not an option.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Flashback Friday ~ One Long Sunday Blog

This is a boy. His name was Tyler. In this photo, shot in 2003, he was 4 years old. He was my buddy, my friend. When we went places, just the two of us, people mistook him for my child. I usually didn't correct them. I smiled at their comments, "What a cute boy you have there!" I know, I thought to myself, a cute boy indeed. He was playful and mischievous, outgoing and friendly, lovable and kissable. He loved hot wheels, squirt guns and the great outdoors. He enjoyed Disney movies with his big brother and baby sister and ate waaay too much candy.

In 2004 he was struck by a car and killed. I loved him. I miss him. He was born on Thanksgiving and I think about him every holiday season without fail. I have dreamt about him, heard his voice and woke up crying, heartbroken. I wonder what he could have been, who he would have been.

Life isn't fair and believe those who claim it's too short. It is. Sometimes life is far too short.

I'll miss you forever Ty-ty...