Friday, June 10, 2011

Flashback Friday ~ One Long Sunday Blog

This is a boy. His name was Tyler. In this photo, shot in 2003, he was 4 years old. He was my buddy, my friend. When we went places, just the two of us, people mistook him for my child. I usually didn't correct them. I smiled at their comments, "What a cute boy you have there!" I know, I thought to myself, a cute boy indeed. He was playful and mischievous, outgoing and friendly, lovable and kissable. He loved hot wheels, squirt guns and the great outdoors. He enjoyed Disney movies with his big brother and baby sister and ate waaay too much candy.

In 2004 he was struck by a car and killed. I loved him. I miss him. He was born on Thanksgiving and I think about him every holiday season without fail. I have dreamt about him, heard his voice and woke up crying, heartbroken. I wonder what he could have been, who he would have been.

Life isn't fair and believe those who claim it's too short. It is. Sometimes life is far too short.

I'll miss you forever Ty-ty...


  1. He was such a sweet boy....He did become what he was meant to be, in a way. He blessed others lives, he gave love, made memories, made us laugh. There are many pains and dissapointments he will never know from a long life, but his life was not without meaning. He accomplished a lot in his short life.

  2. I never thought of it that way. That is absolutely beautiful and so very true. Thank you.
