Monday, June 20, 2011

Through Their Eyes + the Toilet

I love pouring through my kids photos. I don't mean pictures of them I mean pictures by them. You see, two Christmases ago we got our two and three year olds (at the time) digital cameras. Now, don't get me wrong, just because I'm a photographer doesn't mean any of my kids have to be, but that doesn't mean I can't expose them to the craft and see where it takes 'em. I initially thought it would be cute to have little photogs runnin' around, it would help foster creativity and individuality, they could take pictures of things they couldn't keep but wanted to remember forever, etc. I never thought their photos would impact me the way they do. I love looking through their eyes, seeing what they see and really gaining a solid understanding of what is important to them at any given time.

These shots are from my sons latest uploads. They are all straight out of camera, no editing in photoshop.

The ceiling light in his bedroom.

A box 'o stamps.

A doodle from his big sister.

His big sister.

His little sister and "Alfie."

The baking aisle at the market.

Through the rain. 

The toilet. There are about 22 toilet shots in his file. No words.

Happy Monday!


  1. Haha! That is so fun!! Weird about the toilets lol!!

  2. I know, it's weird. At least the toilet is clean though, haha ;)
