Thursday, June 30, 2011

Here's to New Beginnings!

I have decided to jump. I am going for my long-time dream of becoming a professional child portrait photographer. I have been drummin' up ideas for this since 2007, when my son was just 2 months old and his older sister was just 13 months older than that. I knew I wanted to do it, but I didn't know when I could do it.

I was also in college studying social science at Portland State University. Why was I studying that when I already knew I wanted to be a photographer? Well, I was three years into my studies when the notion of photography as career hit me. I wasn't about to abandon all of my previous efforts and begin a new educational pursuit. I knew I could begin my business without any formal photographic training, although I've got a handful of college courses under my belt, all I really needed were my photog skills, hard work and my drive to succeed. I wanted my bachelors so bad, I needed it for myself, for my sense of accomplishment and pride. So, I finished it!

Moving on...

Time keeps passing by and (like the ones before us always warned) it's going faster as I get older. Days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years. Not slowing down, but rather speeding up. I now have three kids at home (ages 2, 4 & 5) I homeschool, I run the house, I run kids to activities, I am busy, busy and I am concluding from years of observation: it ain't gonna get any easier! 

The time is now

I can't even relate to ya'll how excited I am about this. I get butterflies (seriously!) I have been up 'til past midnight for the last week working on MY NEW BLOG, I have pulled out all of my old files filled with magazine clippings, brand schemes, vendor lists, prop wishlist, etc. that I have been saving for years. Time to revamp my ideas and turn them into my reality. 

The sad news is I cannot continue to update this blog. I know right? After a mere two months to the day!! I am not giving up my Etsy shop, although there will likely be less photography and more vintage cameras and photography related gear. I am already SO busy working on my new business venture (things will only grow busier from here! Yay!) I simply cannot provide this blog the attention it deserves.

Please visit my new blog if you'd like and wish me luck! Say a prayer or two! Send me good vibes! I am so stoked about this, nothing can bring me down, but I could always use some pick-me-up :)

You might also enjoy checking out my website, especially if you're in Oregon and need an artistic portrait session for your lovely children ;)

Keep in touch on facebook & twitter!!

So long!

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