Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day ~ One Long Sunday Blog

"When's Daddy's birthday, Mom?" Kaylee inquired excitedly.
I replied back without lifting my eyes from the morning paper, "September, babe."
"Father's Day comes first, Sissy," Luke chimed in.
"Yep. But do you know what today is?" I asked them with a glimmer of surprise in my voice, "Memorial Day!"
"What's Memorial Day?" Both kiddos wanted to know.

Glad you asked...

We talked about soldiers and how they fight for us to keep our country safe and free. We discussed how we should honor them for their services and be proud of who we are and where we come from. I informed them that all soldiers deserve our respect and support, but on this day, Memorial Day, we especially honor soldiers who have given their lives for our country. We sang "America the Beautiful" learned about the American flag and what its symbols stand for and then we went to watch a parade on the waterfront. Here's a simple snap from today:


  1. Could not have done it better, Kim. So proud of you and the beautiful lady and mom you have become. I'm sure you get a lot of help from Kyle, too.

  2. Well, "a lot" might be pushin' it ;) Thank you for all you've done, for me and for our country. Happy Memorial Day!
