Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Defeating Fear + Carving Paths ~ One Long Sunday Blog

We checked the weather before we left. We viewed the road cams and, although there was a bit of snow dusting the highway, all seemed well enough. "Besides, it's early and by the time we get there that snow will probably melt off," we thought hopefully. We loaded the van, we strapped in the kids, we hit the road. Oregon Coast, HERE WE COME!!

We reached the first pass over the coast range soon enough and it was snowy, pretty darn snowy, like we should've pulled over and built a snowman, snowy. Kyle slowed down and took it easy. I closed my eyes and prayed. One car in the ditch, two cars in the ditch... "Let's turn around, it's a sign," I blurted out between Hail Mary's. "It's alright babe, I'm takin' it slow," my cool and collected husband assured me.

We began our decent from the first tall mountain and I began to breathe again. Bit by bit the roads became clearer just in time to ascend the next mountain. What was I thinking heading to the beach in February? Didn't I know by now, after 27 years, that this is Oregon?! Too late, we can't turn back. We are half way there and the kids are looking forward to this, I'm looking forward to this. Every corner, every bump, everything made me cringe, but we kept on.

Kyle was a superhero that day. Maintaining his composure while simultaneously keeping his wife and three kids alive. We not only made it to Seaside, but we thoroughly enjoyed every minute we we there. The sun was shining & the wind was still. We built sandcastles, chased waves, raided the candy store, rode the carousel and indulged in delicious take-out. That day we braved the elements, we pushed through even when it felt like maybe we should turn back. We stared fear straight in the face and overcame it.

Sometimes we do (and should) listen to the "signs" around us. They're Somebody's way of telling us "Turn around, this is not your path." Other times it's the voice inside of us, the critic, who tells us we're not good enough to take this road. Staring down the critic within myself is so much harder than any snow covered mountain I've encountered. Revealing myself as an artist to the world means rejection, criticism, and host of other ill-suited energy I'd rather not take on. On the other hand, it also means collaboration and new friendships. It's the voice inside me that has held me back, but I'm not going to be defeated. I'm just gonna take it slow, consider the signs and carve my own path. There's gonna be bumps, unmarked trails, and snow capped mountains on my life's course, but that's a road I'm willing to travel.

My name is KimberlyAnne. I am a photographer. I am a writer. Here I am.


  1. This is wonderful....yes, you are on a journey, and you "never know what life is going to bring".

  2. Thanks Mamacita!! Kaylee is such a wise soul...words of wisdom ;)
